About Us

We are an insurance agent. There are many insurance agencies around the world, but the big difference is that we specialize in insurance for concerts and events. And we are also doing direct support for holding events.
We will spare no efforts to hold concerts and events safely. We receive accurate information from contracted weather companies, we also use our own weather observation equipment to support the management of outdoor events. Even so, if the event is canceled, we will support with insurance.
We have received requests from entertainment industry clients, including entertainment offices, event production companies, television stations, radio stations and advertising agencies.
So far, we have been handling many concert tours and music festivals by famous Japanese and overseas artists.
We are an event insurance specialist.
We changed company logo in July 2010.
We designed based on the company name initial "AID".
Color is black all over, depending on the background color is white.

This is the logo I made in 2006. The alphabet of the company name is used as it is, and it is combined in three stages. Color is black all over, depending on the background color is white. I made a new logo in 2010, but I also use this logo.

これは2006年に作ったロゴです。会社名のアル ファベットをそのまま使い、3段に組み合わせています。色は黒一色、背景色によっては白一色です。2010年にロゴを新しくしましたが、このロゴも併用しています。

Company Profile
Aso Insurance Design Co., Ltd.
Director Tadashi Aso
Y-3 1F 3-26-8 Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0064 JAPAN
TEL 03-5790-9664
FAX 03-5790-9665
Founded in Octorber 1992
Established in June 2006
Business : Insurance agency
代表取締役 朝生 匡(あそう ただし)
〒151-0064 東京都渋谷区上原3-26-8 Y-3 1F
TEL 03-5790-9664
FAX 03-5790-9665
創業 1992年10月
法人設立 2006年6月
業務 保険代理業